
SURABAYA - The chairman of the DPR who is also the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP, Puan Maharani, is on friendly terms with kiai, community members and PWNU administrators in East Java.

During the meeting, Puan stated that she wanted to continue to build on the friendship that the proclaimer of Indonesian independence, Soekarno and NU figures had once held.

"Building the Indonesian nation cannot be done without working together. For this reason, I came to the East Java PWNU wanting to stay in touch with kiai, scholars and masyayih in East Java," said Puan on the terrace of the East Java PWNU office, Tuesday. March 1st.

Present were a number of senior NU kiai, including the Deputy Rais Syuriah of the East Java PWNU KH Agoes Ali Masyuri or Gus Ali, and the Chair of the East Java PWNU, KH Marzuqi Mustamar.

Puan said that Bung Karno had always had a close relationship with PBNU's Rois Akbar KH Hasyim Asy'ari. Then the close relationship was continued by the General Chair of the PDI-P DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri with KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) who had served as the General Chair of the PBNU and the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"I, as Bung Karno's grandson, want to continue that close relationship. Moreover, East Java feels very special, because Bung Karno was born and raised in East Java, and was buried in East Java as well. So there is a kind of psychological closeness for me," he said.

According to Puan, establishing this friendly relationship is very important to build the nation and state of Indonesia. Because it will not be possible to build Indonesia if there is no synergy and mutual cooperation with all levels of society, including with NU.

"Earlier I got advice from Gus Ali. He advised me that the essence of friendship is mutual cooperation. That is in line with the core of Pancasila, namely mutual cooperation. For that, I want to continue to build closeness between NU and the PDI-P, to build the nation and state of Indonesia. ," he said.

The daughter of the PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri said that she was indeed going to work visits to several areas in East Java. Puan was also polite to the kiai in East Java.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the East Java PWNU KH Marzuqi Mustamar on that occasion stated that Indonesia could be independent thanks to cooperation with the ulama and nationalists. "Therefore, we want to protect the Indonesian nation together with the ulama and the nationalists," he said.

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