
BANTUL - The Bantul Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Special Region of Yogyakarta recorded active cases or those undergoing isolation as of March 1, 2022, rising to 6,732 people, following the addition of 474 new cases.

Based on data from the Bantul COVID-19 Task Force on the website of the district government in Bantul, Tuesday, March 2, the majority of the additional new cases were from Sewon District as many as 86 people, followed by Displays 54 people and Poor 48 people and Banguntapan 45 people.

However, this additional new case is also accompanied by a cure rate of 293 people. The highest from Kasihan is 97 people, Pandak is 40 people and Bantul is 36 people.

Meanwhile, for the confirmed case of COVID-19 who died in the last 24 hours, there was one person from Piyungan District.

With the development of daily cases, quoted from Antara, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Bantul since the beginning of the pandemic until now has accumulated 66,715 people, with a cure rate of 58,382 people, while the total number of deaths was recorded at 1,601 people.

Thus, the number of active COVID-19 cases or patients who are still infected and undergoing isolation or quarantine in hospitals or integrated shelters in Bantul was recorded at 6,732 people, up from 6,552 people on the previous day.

Meanwhile, the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in Bantul so far for dose one has reached 786,721 people or 87.48 percent of the target number of 899,352 people, while for dose two 751,219 people or 83.53 percent were vaccinated.

For booster vaccination or triple dose in Bantul, 48,307 people have been served or 6.42 percent of the target number of 752,225 people.

Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih invites people who have not vaccinated to take part in vaccine injections held by the health department and local hospitals, and for those who have been vaccinated to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"Let's together break the chain of spreading COVID-19 by implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) and 5M, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility," he said.

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