
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has explained the obligation to pay state losses of Rp. 40.8 billion to PT Hutama Karya. This payment was made in connection with a corruption case in the construction of the IPDN campus in 2011.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri said the explanation was given by investigators to the President Director of PT Hutama Karya, Budi Harto and the Finance Director of PT Hutama Karya, Hilda Safitri who were present at the KPK Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta today, Tuesday. , March 1st.

"The investigative team told the two regarding PT HK's obligations and the procedures and stages of paying back for state losses in the corruption case of IPDN campus construction in 2011 amounting to around Rp. 40.8 billion," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, March 1.

Ali said the anti-corruption commission appreciated the presence of the two company directors. It is hoped that with this step, the optimization of asset returns as a form of recovering state losses can be carried out optimally.

In addition, the KPK also hopes that other parties who benefit and are enriched in this case will also cooperate and immediately restore state losses.

"We also hope that other parties who benefit and are enriched by the court's decision in this corruption case will cooperatively return it to the state treasury through the KPK," he said. ), Dudy Jocom as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the construction of two campus buildings of the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN).

He holds the status of a suspect in the alleged corruption case at the IPDN campus in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi and the IPDN campus in Minahasa, North Sulawesi in the 2011 fiscal year.

Not only Dudy, the KPK has also arrested the Head of Building Division or Head of Division I of PT Waskita Karya Adi Wibowo and Head of Construction Division VI of PT Adhi Karya Dono Purwoko as suspects.

This case began in 2010. Through his acquaintances, Dudy allegedly contacted several contractors and said that there would be an IPDN project.

Furthermore, before the auction was carried out, it was agreed that the distribution of projects, namely the IPDN project in South Sulawesi was carried out by Waskita Karya while PT Adhi Karya worked on the IPDN project in North Sulawesi. During this distribution, Dudy and his friends asked for a 7 percent fee.

As a result, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 21 billion from the two projects.

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