
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Council gave important notes on the performance of the Surabaya Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Eri Cahyadi and Armuji, who have been leading the City of Heroes, East Java for one year.

The chairman of the Surabaya City DPRD, Adi Sutarwijono, said that there are three things that need to be underlined for Eri-Armuji's performance, namely two things of appreciation and one thing to note for future improvements.

"First, in the first year that Eri-Armuji took office, the handling of the pandemic in Surabaya went quite well," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1.

According to him, all groups of people are able to work together to manage the pandemic, with massive vaccinations and good 3T (testing, tracing and treatment) implementation. Eri-Armuji, he continued, was also able to foster social volunteer initiatives by cooperating with various parties to help each other during the pandemic.

Second, Adi also believes that Surabaya's economic recovery has focused on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

In fact, he said, Surabaya's micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) continue to be encouraged to survive, including through digital-based innovations such as e-Peken. Moreover, MSME centers are also turned on and empowered.

"Third, for the record, I hope that in the future the Surabaya City Government will pay serious attention to flood management and social protection efforts for residents. Regarding flooding, an integrated solution from upstream to downstream must be implemented," he said.

Then regarding social protection, Adi also encouraged the city government so that efforts to pick up the ball should be carried out regularly for the poor who need help, whether it is related to sick people, dropping out of school, uninhabitable houses (rutilahu) and so on.

"The bottom-up pattern in the social protection strategy must continue to be encouraged by opening space for citizen input as optimally as possible. So that all problems are quickly resolved and do not become a time bomb," he said.

For him, the issue of social protection should be a concern that Eri Cahyadi-Armuji hopes will solve in the future.

"Because of this pandemic from 2020 to 2021, Surabaya has experienced an increase in the poverty rate from 5.02 percent to 5.23 percent or an increase of 0.21 percent, with a total number of poor people of 152,000," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Surabaya City DPRD, AH Thony, is of the view that Eri Cahyadi-Armuji is able to change the government transition period smoothly from the previous leaders.

The transition period, he said, began with the establishment of the Surabaya Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD), which was visionary and covered larger interests.

"In full, this RPJMD does take a long time, it cannot be used as a measure in one year. However, we as vice chairman see that Eri-Armuji's leadership is quite good, because many of the targets that have been carried out are close to the progress that has been implemented in the previous period. before," he said.

For example, he said, the yearly target is regarding economic recovery and restoration of public health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eri Cahyadi-Armuji assessed that the two targets in the sector had been able to be exceeded by Eri Cahyadi-Armuji.

"But on the other hand, there are indeed several challenges that must be resolved in the future, one of which is the problem of completing the data mapping of Low-Income Communities (MBR)," he said.

Even so, he assessed, during the Eri-Armuji leadership, the Surabaya City Government dared to explain the problem openly and clearly. This makes the problem clearer which targets are the priority to be resolved.

"With no hidden MBR problems, this allows us to aim more clearly. Where did the upstream and downstream end come from," he said.

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