JAKARTA - As many as 75 prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) were taken from their shelter at Tanjung Balai Asahan, North Sumatra. They are expected to be sent to neighboring Malaysia. The Indonesian Navy and Kopolisian officers carried out raids on Monday, February 28 in the early hours of February.
The Commander of the Tanjung Balai Asahan Navy Base (Lanal) Marine Lt. Col. (F) Aan Prana Tuah Sebayang said officers from the Tanjung Balai Asahan Lanal Joint had conducted a raid at 01.30 WIB, Monday morning at the illegal PMI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) shelter which was allegedly going to leaving for Malaysia.
Officers arrested at least 75 people in a warehouse belonging to a resident with the initials 'RR' in Matahalasan Village, North Tanjungbalai District, Tanjungbalai City. "Seventy-five people, men (47) and women (28) have now been recorded and transferred to the police for further processing," said Danlanal.

Separately, the Commander of the Fleet Command I (Pangkoarmada I) Rear Admiral Arsyad Abdullah said "The success of this arrest cannot be separated from public information and cooperation between relevant agencies in the Tanjung Balai and Asahan areas."
The Commander of the Armed Forces I emphasized that the TNI AL's commitment was very clear and firm, there was no compromise with all forms of efforts that threatened sovereignty, including criminal acts and violations at sea.
"According to the policy of the Chief of Naval Staff, there is no omission or backing of illegal activities such as the smuggling of illegal PMIs," he explained.

"Based on the provisional examination, there are no allegations of involvement of Indonesian Navy soldiers in this illegal activity, however, if during further investigations it is found that TNI Navy personnel are involved, we will take firm action in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he continued.
"The thwarting of the illegal PMI smuggling attempt in Tanjung Balai Asahan is a form of the presence of the Navy conducting patrols to prevent all forms of violations in accordance with the commitment made by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Yudo Margono," he concluded.
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