
LEBAK - The joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team conducted a search for a Jakarta junior high school student who was swept away by the waves at Ciantir Beach, Sawarna Waters area, Lebak Regency, Banten. Public Relations of the Banten SAR Office Wahyu, Monday, February 28. The joint team involved the Banten SAR Office, Lifeguard, BPBD, TNI, Polri, Pokdarwis, PMI and fishermen. They used a boat belonging to the Banten SAR Office as well as a local fishing boat. The search for victims of the Jakarta Junior High School students was divided into two teams, the first team was to conduct a ground search around Ciantir Beach. And, the second team conducted a search in the Sawarna Waters area. Currently, the weather in the Sawarna Waters is relatively good and the search continues by boat up to a radius of three kilometers from the crime scene (TKP). Previously, a marine accident occurred on Sunday, February 27, morning. A total of six junior high school students from Jakarta swam around Ciantir Beach in the Sawarna Waters, Lebak Regency.

Previously, the student was warned by lifeguard volunteers not to swim because the weather on the coast was bad. However, they ignored the warning and kept swimming until a sea accident occurred. asked for help and five survived and one is in search," he explained. Meanwhile, the head of Lebak Regency Lifeguard Erwin said his party and volunteers continued to search Pulomanuk Beach to find the student who was dragged by the waves. "We believe the victim has moved away from the scene because the waves are quite high," he said. He said the Jakarta junior high school student who was the victim of the sea accident was named Ai Pamungkas (15) a resident of Pasar Rebo Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the five survivors included Putra Bagus Nandra (15), Nurdiansyah (14), Revan Bintang (14), Eka Ramadani (14) and Novrijal (16). "All the tourists are Jakarta residents," said Erwin.

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