
JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Teguh Prakoso said residents of Solo City feel they have lost an important figure over the death of President Joko Widodo's uncle, H. Miyono Suryosardjono at the age of 82 years.

"I received news from Dandim 0735 Surakarta after attending the Golkar Party event, in Solo, at 20.00 WIB and I went straight to Pak Miyono's funeral home," said Teguh Prakoso, quoted from Antara, Sunday, February 27.

According to Teguh, the Surakarta City Government is saddened and feels the loss of a prominent figure because it is one of those who contributed greatly to the success of President Jokowi, starting from the Mayor of Surakarta and then the Governor and now the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Pak Miyono is the main character in the success of Mr. Jokowi. We, the people of Surakarta, once again feel lost and saddened," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the uncle of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), H Miyono Suryosardjono, died at the age of 82 at the funeral home on Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 297-299 Gondang Banjasari Solo on Sunday, February 27, at 19.50 WIB.

Idayati, one of President Jokowi's younger siblings, quoted from Antara, Sunday, February 27, confirmed that his uncle, Miyono, died at his home, at the age of 82, at around 7:50 pm due to illness. Pak Miyono is elderly (he is 82 years old).

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