
TULUNGAGUNG – Accident between a bus and the Dhoho Train (Blitar - Kertosono) at an unguarded crossing between Tulungagung and Ngujang Stations, Sunday, February 27. In addition to causing five fatalities, there were a number of other losses. Therefore, the Indonesian Railways (KAI) plans to sue the bus entrepreneur involved in the accident.

Until this news was revealed, the number of victims increased to five people. And the KAI plans to sue the bus.

As a result of the Dhoho Train accident with a bus, there was damage to train facilities in the form of passenger trains, locomotives, and delays in train travel.

KAI also expresses its condolences for the casualties and injuries suffered by the bus passengers due to the negligence of the bus driver.

Joni added that KAI would sue bus operators due to losses suffered by KAI.

In Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways, Article 124 states that, at the intersection of a plot between a railway line and a road, road users are obliged to prioritize rail travel.

"All road users must prioritize train travel when passing through level crossings. This is in accordance with Law 23 of 2007 concerning railways and Law 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation," concluded Joni.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Advocacy and Community Division of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Djoko Setijowarno said that the driver of the Tourism Bus group usually did not understand the route to be taken because they were not permanent drivers/employees at the PO.

PO does not have a Risk Journey which is used as a guide for the driver when leaving for a destination. This causes the driver not to understand Road Hazard Mapping on the route to be traversed.

There is no procedure for driving a convoy/group bus on the road, so the driver always wants to reach their destination faster without paying attention to safety.

"This will be exacerbated if passengers also ask the driver to get their bus to its destination first," he said.

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