
JAKARTA - Bareskrim said that Nurhayati was named a suspect in the alleged corruption case of funds from Citemu Village, Cirebon, referring to the instructions given by the research prosecutor. Where, at that time, investigators handed over the file of suspect Supriyadi, who was the Head of Citemu Village.

"There are clues to P19 asking that Nurhayati's role be investigated from the research prosecutor," said the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Officer, Komjen Agus Andrianto, when confirmed, Saturday, February 26.

From this investigation, the Cirebon City Police investigator assessed that there was a criminal violation committed by Nurhayati. So the investigators named him a suspect.

"It is possible that during the investigation process of the village head, there were allegations of unlawful acts committed by Nurhayati, so that the research prosecutor's instructions were to explore Nurhayati's role," said Agus.

It's just that, from the case title carried out by the Investigative Supervisory Bureau (Wassidik) it resulted in a decision on the lack of evidence. Thus, the second stage of Nurhayati was not carried out.

"The result of the title is not enough evidence so that stage 2 is not carried out," said Agus.

Previously, it was reported that the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police planned to stop the investigation of Nurhayati in the alleged corruption case of village funds.

"The results of the coordination between the Head of the Police and the Ditreskrimsus with the Aspidsus and the Prosecutor's Office returned P21-yes, so that we can get SP3 (Warrant for Termination of Investigation)," said Agus.

Nurhayati is a reporter for a case of alleged misappropriation of village funds that caused state losses of Rp800 million from 2018 to 2020. However, she who was previously a reporter is now a suspect.

Nurhayati is a former Treasurer of Citemu Village. He is said to have helped the Citemu Village Head Supriyadi in committing corruption.

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