
JAKARTA - All rooms at the Jember District Court, East Java, were sprayed with disinfectant on Saturday, after dozens of employees and students who were interning at the court were confirmed to have COVID-19.

"Today we carried out sterilization by spraying all rooms in the Jember District Court to prevent the spread of COVID-19," said Deputy Head of the Jember Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Headquarters Gigih Priambodo.

"Five PMI Jember personnel sprayed in court with two types, namely 300 liters of disinfectant liquid and 28 liters of eco enzyme," he added.

According to him, disinfection is carried out starting from the court office yard to the entire court room.

"In addition to the staff room and service room, spraying is also carried out in the court room, even though the court currently enforces online hearings as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

The Head of the General and Finance Subdivision of the Jember District Court, Rini Widiastuti, said that the spraying of disinfectant was carried out on holidays so that sterilization could be carried out in all court rooms.

Jember District Court Public Relations spokesman Sigit Triatmojo said that 16 people consisting of court employees and students who were interning in court were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"Initially three people were positive, then we conducted mass rapid antigen tests on employees, judges, clerks, including students and interns, and there was a quick independent test, the results of which were 16 employees and interns were positive for COVID-19," he said. .

He said that nine people who had COVID-19 had now recovered and seven others were still in self-isolation at home.

According to him, the court will continue to provide services to the community but will limit the service time to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

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