
JAKARTA - The survey institute Public Voice Circle (LSP) released a survey related to the electability of presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. The majority of 1,230 respondents chose Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate.

"Public support for Prabowo continues to increase. His electability in various simulations tested in the survey continues to show this," said LSP Executive Director, Indra Nuryadin when delivering the survey results, Jakarta, Friday, February 25.

Prabowo's name, he said, also ranked first or 25.3 percent when compared to the open question of who would be elected if the presidential election were to be held today. Then followed by Anies Baswedan 15.4 percent, Ganjar Pranowo 13.2 percent.

Furthermore, Ridwan Kamil 4.6 percent, AHY 4.1 percent, Sandiaga Uno 2.6 percent, Puan Maharani 1.5 percent, Basuki Tjahaj Purnama 1.8 percent, Sri Mulyani Indrawati 1.6 percent, Khofifah Indar Parawansa 1.4 percent.

Then when measured from half-closed questions, Prabowo Subianto was again in the highest rank.

"In the simulation, which included 8 presidential candidates, 6 presidential candidates and 3 presidential candidates, Prabowo continued to experience an increase in electability to reach 30.7 percent," he said.

"Prabowo also has a strong support base, long-established institutions and a solid network of political party structures supporting him and declaring him the only presidential candidate from Gerindra. Massive information about Prabowo's high electability can also be a strong reason for his continued promotion. This percentage of electability is accompanied by the improvement in personal perception of Prabowo's figure in the eyes of the public," said Indra. In addition to measuring the electability of presidential candidates, LSP also measures the electability of political parties. Where if elections were held today, which parties would be supported.

PDIP is still at the top, followed by the Gerindra Party, then at the bottom is the Golkar Party and so on.

"Significantly the electability of Gerindra has moved and succeeded in approaching the PDI-P. It is suspected that the personalization effect of political parties where the increase in public choice of Prabowo also increases the choice for Gerindra because Gerindra is Prabowo and Prabowo is Gerindra," he explained.

The LSP survey was conducted on 7-20 February involving 1,230 respondents in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia. Respondents are the holder of the right to vote and are at least 17 years old and over and are married.

The survey sampling process was carried out by direct interviews and the help of a questionnaire. The methodology used is multistage random sampling with a margin of error (MoE) of 2.8 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.

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