
MEDAN - Police shot dead a DPO perpetrator of a robbery and robbery named M Dwiki Ariandi (25). The robber was shot dead for threatening the police with a knife when they were about to be arrested in the Marindal area.

Medan Police Chief Kombes Valentino Alfa Tatareda through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol M Firdaus said that after being shot, the perpetrator was taken to Adam Malik Hospital for treatment.

"However, when they got there, according to information from the health workers, they stated that the perpetrator was dead. Then, the team took the perpetrator's body to the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Hospital for further treatment," said Kompol Firdaus, Friday, February 25.

In addition to shooting dead the perpetrators, the police also arrested two other perpetrators, namely M Hadji and Hendra Sani who are recedivists, and had been arrested and imprisoned in 2020.

Kompol Firdaus explained that the shooting and arrest of the perpetrators was based on a report from the victim named Remudus Sinaga (54) on December 30, 2020. The victim, he said, was robbed on Jalan Gatot Subroto near RRI, Medan Helvetia on Friday, October 9, 2020.

"The results of the interrogation of the 2 perpetrators who have been arrested stated that they carried out robberies in several other locations, including Jalan Setia Budi, Jalan Gagak Hitam, Jalan Dr Mansyur, Jalan Ringroad, and Jalan Setia Budi, Medan," said Kompol Firdaus, Friday. , February 25.

From the perpetrators, the police secured evidence in the form of a beat motorbike used by the perpetrator during the action and Mio's motorbike. There is also a cellphone, a knife and a ring used by the perpetrators.

Kompol Firdaus explained that the perpetrators carried out acts of violence by seizing the victim's belongings so that the victim fell and the proceeds of the crime were used to buy drugs and daily necessities.

Meanwhile, the chronology of the incident that happened to the victim Remudus Sinaga occurred on Friday, October 9, 2020 at around 06.25 WIB. At that time, the victim left the house to exercise by using a bicycle and while on Jalan Gatot Subroto in front of RRI suddenly 2 motorbikes came from behind the victim.

Then, the three perpetrators came to the victim and then the perpetrator pulled the bag that was on the victim's shoulder, causing a tug of war between the victim and the perpetrator.

The perpetrator kicked the victim so that he fell to the asphalt and the perpetrators took a sling bag. The victim suffered injuries to his left temple, his face and head were injured and had stitches on, his right knee, left and right and left elbows had abrasions, and suffered a loss in the form of 1 sling bag containing a cellphone and important documents.

"For their actions, the perpetrators are suspected of violating the criminal provisions as stipulated in Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with violence with a penalty of 15 years in prison," he concluded.

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