
JAKARTA - Political observer from Brawijaya University Malang, Dr Wawan Sobari, said that the idea of postponing the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) has serious consequences. "I see the consequences are quite severe. Like the postponement of the election, it was successful, but there is a consequence that the law must be changed," said Wawan in Malang, East Java, Friday, February 25. Pilkada) is different from postponing the election to determine the president of Indonesia. This is because the postponement of the election is related to the term of office of the president. In the postponement of the election, he continued, there will be a substitute official who can replace it. The governor can be replaced by an official from the Ministry of Home Affairs and for the regent the mayor will be filled by the provincial government.

"The election is postponed for one year, then there will be a power vacuum, including legislative members. Delaying the election is not a problem, there is a replacement official. But where do the president and legislative members (his successors) come from. This is a long consequence," he said. If the presidential term of office is extended during the postponement of the election, it will be difficult to do, considering that the current president has led for two terms. Regarding the background of the idea of postponing the 2024 general election to provide business certainty for entrepreneurs and investors in Indonesia, he continued, the postponement would only create legal uncertainty for the entrepreneurs themselves. In fact, there is no certainty or the certainty is reduced," he said. Previously, Ket General Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) proposed to postpone the 2024 General Election on the grounds of maintaining the momentum of economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ), economic analysts and business people. If elections are held in 2024, he is concerned that the transition of power will cause uncertainty in the economic and business sectors.

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