
TANGERANG REGENCY – In less than 24 hours, the police managed to arrest the perpetrator of the murder of a man with the initials SM (25) at Bumi Housing, Asri Saga, Balaraja, Tangerang Regency. The perpetrator was arrested in the Balaraja area, Tangerang Regency.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Balaraja Police Ipda Jarot Sudarsono said JSR was trying to escape. However, officers quickly apprehended the perpetrator.

"Not far from the crime scene (TKP). We caught it in the morning. Because this perpetrator also had an attempt to escape, but he was arrested," said Jarot when contacted, Friday, February 25.

Regarding the motive of the perpetrator to kill the victim, Jarot admitted that he could not explain in detail. This is still under investigation by police officers.

"Well, that's what we're still investigating. Because if we ask the wife, there is no problem. That's why we're trying to find out. But it really happened," he said.

Jarot said that the beginning of the murder occurred when the victim and his wife, JS, were sleeping at his house. Suddenly, the perpetrators came with a gun and stabbed the victim into the body, causing him to die.

"The point is he broke into the house, went straight into the room. When he entered the room, the knife was already open from the scabbard and the victim and the victim's wife were pushing and pushing the door. Enter directly stab the chest, stab into the chest, "he said.

Now, the victim is being autopsied. This is done to find out what actually happened in the case.

"(Now) the autopsy is being taken care of first, it will be informed later," he said

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