
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Department has named Indra Kenz as a case of alleged fraud under the guise of Binomo binary options trading. Regarding this case, it is planned that one affiliate will also be investigated.

"There is one (investigated affiliate, ed)," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, February 24.

However, Ramadhan did not specify the identity of the affiliate.

"What we will convey tomorrow will be conveyed by Dittipidsiber investigators," said Ramadhan.

As previously reported, the Criminal Investigation Police not only investigated the involvement of Indra Kenz in the alleged fraud case under the guise of Binomo binary options trading. This is because investigators will also dig up information about other affiliates.

"Investigators will explore the extent of the role of the affiliates in the Binomo game," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Department Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan.

This investigation is based on the testimony of the victim's witness. Where, they mention there are several affiliates in the Binomo trading application.

"There is information from victim witnesses who played Binomo from several affiliates," said Whisnu.

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