JAKARTA - The reconstruction of the murder case of Vicky Firlana (22) at TPU Chober, Ulujami, South Jakarta, also brought Hilda, the victim's lover, as the 3rd witness.
In that activity, precisely in scenes 21 and 22, Hilda also demonstrated the moment when she saw Vicky lying covered in blood with a stab wound in the chest.
Hilda, who witnessed the reconstruction, said she was upset and angry when she learned of the actual murder incident.
"I didn't expect it, but I see it's exciting, I want to go to it, but the police are still guarding it," said Hilda when she was met at the TPU Chober, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 24.

Hilda said that at first she found her boyfriend lying in the TPU Chober, South Jakarta.
At that time he was informed by a woman who had returned from the market about the discovery of a corpse lying in the TPU Kober, South Jakarta. Out of curiosity, Hilda went to the location in question.
"I got information from the ladies who just came back from the market, because it was still early, it wasn't clear who it was. So I went upstairs at around 05:30, to make sure who it was,” explained Hilda.
After it was discovered, the man lying on the ground was his girlfriend, Vicky Firlana. He was suddenly shocked and fainted.
"I was shocked, shocked, I fainted just to tell my family. (because) the night ended from my house, around 3 o'clock (morning)," he explained.
Hilda confirmed that the man who was killed was her boyfriend. Because of the clothes the victim was wearing.
"I memorized it because the shirt he was wearing was definitely him," explained Hilda.
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