
SOLO - The combination of the National Police, the TNI, and the Surakarta City Government carried out a judicial operation to oversee the enforcement of health protocol discipline (prokes) to prevent the transmission of the new variant of the Omicron COVID-19 virus, which was held at the Makutho Monument, Karangsem Solo, Central Java Province, Thursday, February 24. Dozens of joint personnel from the Surakarta Police, Kodim 0735, Surakarta City Government Satpol PP, and the COVID-19 Task Force in the judicial operation to enforce discipline for the program by stopping four- and two-wheeled vehicles that were not wearing masks and checking vaccinations through the PeduliLindungi application. Solo City officers who do not wear masks are given masks and reprimands and warnings by making a statement to continue to comply with the health care discipline to reduce the number of COVID-19 in Solo, which continues to increase in active cases. According to the Head of the Surakarta City Police, Pol. enforcement of the prokes to be obeyed by the community "One of them is through legal operations, a joint team from the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP and the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force is carrying out operations to enforce health procedures in several centers of community crowds," said the Police Chief, quoted by Antara.

The police chief said that judicial operations carried out on city borders, such as at the Makutho Karangansem Monument, Solo, were an effort so that residents were disciplined in the COVID-19 process. , one of our main keys to break the chain of spread of COVID-19 in the midst of a pandemic," said the Head of the Resort Police. The Head of Police added, the enforcement of the prokes is not only for 5 M, but also the operating hours that are allowed for business actors during the Implementation of Activity Restrictions (PPKM). ) level 3 in Surakarta City. The Head of Police said that related to the entry of a new variant of Omicron in Surakarta City, although the fatality rate is low, his party remains vigilant.

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