
JAKARTA - Head of PP GP Ansor Luqman Hakim views that there is nothing wrong with the statement of the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Coumas regarding the need for rules for using loudspeakers or toa in mosques and prayer rooms.

As well as the words of Minister of Religion Yaqut who said loud voices could disturb the peace of society by exemplifying the sound of "dog barking".

According to the Deputy Secretary General of the PKB DPP, anything that has the potential to disturb the peace of the community must be regulated so as not to create social disharmony. Because according to Luqman, it is one of the government's tasks.

"So, I hope that Gus Yaqut's statement does not have to be twisted or stir-fried to cause a commotion," said Luqman when contacted by VOI, Thursday, February 24. The Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR assessed that those who took issue with Gus Yaqut's statement were simply seeking attention, social promotion and lack of work. Especially if you want to take the matter to the police.

"The more it reads, the motive is just seeking attention. There's nothing wrong with wanting to report it to the police. However, if there is someone who doesn't have a job and wants to report Gus Yaqut to the police, go ahead. That's fine. feel happy, I invite you. Isn't making other people happy a worship?," said Luqman.

It is known, the words of the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas who explained the sound of the mosque's Toa with barking dogs, sparked controversy. Roy Suryo plans to report the Minister of Religion Yaqut for his statement.

This was conveyed by Roy Suryo's attorney, Pitra Romadoni. In a written statement to reporters, Pitra conveyed the plan to report the Minister of Religion Yaqut to the Polda Metro Jaya this afternoon.

"Today KRMT Roy Suryo together with the Indonesian Youth Congress will make a police report against YCQ who is suspected of comparing the sounds in the mosque/musala with the barking of dogs," Pitra said in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, February 24.

Roy Suryo and the Indonesian Youth Congress plan to report the Minister of Religion Yaqut on charges of blasphemy.

"For that we will make a Police Report today at Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of violating Article 28 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), or Article 156a of the Criminal Code on Blasphemy of Religion," he explained.

Contacted separately, Roy Suryo confirmed his plan to report the Minister of Religion Yaqut.

"One hundred percent confirmed," answered Roy Suryo when asked if it was true that he would report Yaqut to the police.

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