
TANGERANG - A woman named Sumartinah (35) was arrested by the police on suspicion of violence against a woman who was 10 years younger, named Iseu Aisya (25).

Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Metro Police, Kompol Abdul Rochim, confirmed the incident. According to Rochim, the incident occurred at a cafe in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang City, Tuesday, February 22, at around 00.30 WIB.

The incident began when Sumartinah (the alleged perpetrator) accused Iseu Aisya of having an affair with her husband. An argument ensued. Sumartinah was furious because her husband felt taken away by a younger woman. Sumartinah finally slapped Iseu twice.

"Accusing the victim of having an affair with the husband of the alleged perpetrator, resulting in a quarrel between the alleged perpetrator and the victim. Sumartinah slapped the victim's cheek twice," said Rochim when confirmed, Thursday, February 24.

Rochim continued, apart from slapping Iseu on the cheek, Sumartinah also threatened him with sharp objects such as scissors. Iseu was afraid, so he threw himself into Cipondoh Lake, Tangerang City.

"I wanted to kill the victim with a pair of scissors, so the victim was scared and jumped into Lake Cipondoh to save himself," he said.

After the incident, Iseu reported to the Cipondoh Police. Based on the report, the police arrested Sumartinah on the same day.

"Secured evidence of 1 pair of scissors and 1 cellphone. The perpetrators were also charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code, Sub-Article 335 of the Criminal Code," he said.

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