
SAMARINDA - The Head of Takmir for the Islamic Center Samarinda Mosque (MICS), East Kalimantan, Jamaluddin said the volume of the loudspeakers at MICS was still under control and did not cause noise. For information, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has just issued a Circular (SE) regarding the maximum volume of loudspeakers in mosques and prayer rooms 100 dB (decibels) with good sound quality or not discordant. "It's also possible that his voice blends with the wind so it's not too loud, even if it's full," he said. not loud, but only around the MICS itself.

"So the issue of the new SE Minister of Religion, I think there is no problem with Islam and it has been done a long time ago," he said. Jamaluddin continued, the community environment is also far from MICS so that people may hear the sound of mosques around Islam more than from the Islamic itself. "I think it's because it's time to ring it, it sounds loud. So yes, people hear those around their respective mosques," he explained. He also added that the duration of the recitation at MICS was about 10-15 minutes before prayer time arrived in order religious community life.

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