
JAKARTA - Pope Francis is concerned about developments in the Ukraine-Russia crisis, calls on all parties to put peace first, and calls for international fasting and prayer for peace next week.

In his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis made a heartfelt call for peace in Ukraine, saying the threat of war had caused "tremendous pain in my heart."

"Despite the diplomatic efforts of the last few weeks, an increasingly worrying scenario unfolds, with many people around the world feeling sad and sick," the Pope said.

“Once again the peace of all is threatened by partisan interests,” Pope Francis stressed, urging those who “have a political responsibility to examine their consciences seriously before the Lord, who is the God of peace and not war, who is the Father of all, not war.” only some, who want us to be brothers and not enemies."

On the occasion, the Pope also prayed that "all parties involved refrain from any action, which will cause more suffering to the people, disrupt coexistence between states and bring international law into disrepute."

Speaking at the conclusion of the General Audience, Pope Francis invited everyone to make March 2, Ash Wednesday, an international day of fasting and prayer for Peace.

"I encourage believers in a special way to dedicate themselves intensely, to prayer and fasting on that day," Pope Francis said.

Meanwhile, this is the second time Francis has called for an international day of prayer for peace in Ukraine. The first was on January 26 last.

"Jesus taught us that we must respond to the cruel cruelty of violence with the weapon of God, with prayer and fasting," the Pope said.

The United States and its allies accuse Russia of flagrant violations of international law by ordering troops into the separatist region of eastern Ukraine, recognizing the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics.

In addition, the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Japan announced plans to target Russian banks and elites. Meanwhile, Germany halted a major gas pipeline project from Russia, in one of Europe's worst security crises in decades.

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