
SAMARINDA - Samarinda Mayor Andi Harun said the City Government (Pemkot) no longer imposed a 50-75 percent restriction on community activities, but the sub-district/kelurahan COVID-19 Task Force continued to enforce the discipline of health protocols (prokes).

"The COVID-19 Task Force will go down with the TNI-Polri to ensure that cafes are at capacity by ensuring a minimum distance of one meter and that people are required to wear masks," said Andi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

Meanwhile, for activities in a closed room, he emphasized, the intensity of the use of the Peduli Protect application should be increased.

Andi explained, there are four categories of confirmed COVID-19 patients, namely mild, moderate, severe and critical.

"Patients are mild and are self-isolating. We will see if it is time for severe patients to enter the hospital or they can still be treated in centralized isolation (isoter) then critical patients are admitted to the hospital," he explained.

This is intended so that the capacity of the Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) in hospitals is maintained.

"Isoter BOR in Samarinda reached 42 percent but the recovery rate was also high. For example, 200 were treated, 100 recovered," he said.

So that the balance of psychological numbers on the percentage of isoter BOR and hospitals in Samarinda is maintained.

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