
JAKARTA - The National Police emphasized that the handling of cases of violations of the ITE Law by social media activist Adam Deni was carried out professionally and proportionally, not related to the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Ahmad Sahroni, so that the legal process was fast.

Adam Deni was reported by a lawyer with the initials SYD on January 27, then he was arrested and detained on February 2, the case file was declared complete, now the suspect and evidence have been transferred to the public prosecutor on February 14, 2022, to be tried at the North Jakarta District Court .

"I think it's the same (all things). In principle, investigators carry out this issue professionally and proportionally," said the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

Several cases of violations of the ITE Law were also handled by the Bareskrim Polri investigators, one of which was Edy Mulyadi, who was reported on January 24 and named a suspect on January 31, until now, the second phase has not been delegated.

Meanwhile, Adam Deni was named a suspect in connection with the alleged distribution of Sahroni's documents so that his attorney reported it to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

The report is registered with the police report number LP/B/0040/I/2022/SPKT/Dit Tipidsiber, Bareskrim Polri, dated January 27, 2022, with the reporter SYD.

Ahmad Sahroni's name appeared after a video of Adam Deni's apology from inside the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police was released by his attorney on Tuesday, February 22.

Adam Deni apologized to Ahmad Sahroni and asked to be released from prison so he could return to work and provide for his mother.

Adam Deni's attorney, Susandi, said the video was a form of good faith from his client to apologize to Ahmad Sahroni.

An apology has also been conveyed through Ahmad Sahroni's attorney, including Adam Deni's mother and girlfriend trying to visit the politician's house.

"Yesterday, Mom and her boyfriend, Adam, came to Bang AS's house, but couldn't meet them, because he was out of town," said Susandi.

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