
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) held a national gathering to the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan (Kaltim). This gathering also ensures that the area that has been designated as the state capital (IKN) is sterile from the threats and potentials of radicalism and terrorism.

This was conveyed by the Director of Prevention of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency, Brigadier General R Ahmad Nurwakhid when giving a speech during a national gathering visit to the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan today.

Ahmad Wakhid who came along with the BNPT entourage in the national gathering was met directly by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan Hadi Mulyadi.

In his speech, Nurwakhid explained that this BNPT visit was a form of collaboration and synergy between BNPT and local governments through national gathering activities.

In addition, in accordance with its institutional mandate and authority, BNPT wants to ensure that East Kalimantan which has been designated as an IKN is sterile from the threats and potentials of radicalism and terrorism.

“IKN cannot be separated from the readiness of national security which covers all aspects of state life such as ideology, politics, social, culture, economy and defense and security. In East Kalimantan, the aspect of national resilience is relatively better compared to other regions,” said Nurwakhid in an electronic message, Antara, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23.

Talking about the threat of terrorism, he continued, can not only be seen from the aspect of acts of violence, but also must be seen from its upstream such as radical ideology, intolerant and exclusive attitudes.

For this reason, East Kalimantan as a candidate for the new capital city must be sterile not only from the threat of violence, but also the ideology of violence and hatred.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Nurwakhid explained that intolerance is actually the beginning of radicalism and terrorism. An attitude that is not happy with diversity will encourage the birth of a radical understanding which will eventually manifest in acts of terror.

“I am very proud because the social, cultural and religious life in East Kalimantan is very well established, tolerant and harmonious. This attitude of tolerance and moderation is what is needed in East Kalimantan as one of the capitals of the new capital city that will be friendly to differences,” he said.

However, according to him, the public needs to be aware of the recent changes in the strategy of radical terrorism groups. In some cases, radical terrorism groups often use taqiyah (hiding identity) and tamkin (territorial control) strategies.

“This tamkin strategy is often carried out by radical terrorism groups lately, especially in infiltrating various social organizations and institutions, including this IKN. And we have anticipated from the beginning from the upstream by strengthening the moderate community in East Kalimantan," he explained.

In line with Nurwakhid, Hadi Mulyadi said that East Kalimantan is one of the provinces that is very conducive as a candidate for the capital city from a socio-political aspect. In its history, no social conflicts and major riots occurred in this province.

“When I was given the opportunity to accompany the President on a visit to East Kalimantan and was asked if East Kalimantan was ready to serve as an IKN, without compromising respect, I emphasized that in other Kalimantan social conflicts had occurred. But in East Kalimantan since the establishment of the Kutai Kartanegara kingdom until today there has never been a major riot," he explained.

Demographically, East Kalimantan consists of people who are diverse in terms of religion, ethnicity and culture. However, this diversity never gave rise to social turmoil and conflict. This means, according to Hadi, East Kalimantan has always been ready to coexist with any tribe, ethnicity and religion.

“The composition of the religious community in Indonesia is almost similar to the composition of religion as a whole in Indonesia. The symbol of plurality in this province is well maintained and East Kalimantan has received the Harmony Award from the Ministry of Religion," explained Hadi.

To create conditions that continue to be conducive, the East Kalimantan government continues to communicate and build friendships with various parties to continue to ensure harmony and tolerance. This spirit of unity and integrity must be continuously nurtured and held by all Indonesian people so that they are not easily divided.

“Because we are a unitary state, the whole community must be tolerant of existing differences. The choice of the name Nusantara as the new capital city is philosophically extraordinary. A name that encapsulates the diversity and togetherness of the Indonesian people," he said.

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