
ACEH - The Aceh Government's COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) stated that as many as 126 Acehnese residents were infected with the corona virus as of today. The total number of residents who are undergoing treatment at the hospital or in self-isolation is 909 people.

"This daily addition of new cases is mostly the people of Banda Aceh City. This needs to continue to be a concern in order to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols," said Aceh COVID-19 Spokesperson Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

According to Saifullah, COVID-19 patients under treatment have continued to grow along with the increase in new confirmed cases in the last four weeks in Indonesia's westernmost province.

Currently, 119 COVID-19 sufferers are being treated at the COVID-19 referral hospital in Aceh. Meanwhile, 790 patients without symptoms or experiencing mild are currently self-isolating.

"We pray for COVID-19 sufferers who are undergoing treatment to recover soon, and no more victims of the corona virus have died in Aceh," he said.

Data from the Aceh COVID-19 Task Force shows that 41 people in Banda Aceh have been reported to be infected with the corona virus per day, then 12 from Pidie, 10 from Aceh Besar and Lhokseumawe, seven from West Aceh and North Aceh, and five from Langsa.

Then there are four residents of Bireuen, three people from Simeulue and the City of Subulussalam. While Sabang, Gayo Lues, Central Aceh, East Aceh, and Southeast Aceh each have two people, and South Aceh, Aceh Singkil, Southwest Aceh, and Pidie Jaya are all one person.

In addition to new cases, said Saifullah, 53 people recovered, namely 26 Banda Aceh residents, eight Bireuen and Aceh Singkil residents, South Aceh, Aceh Tamiang and Pidie three, and one each from Langsa and Sabang residents.

"In the last 24 hours, three people with COVID-19 were reported to have died, namely residents of Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and North Aceh," he said.

Until now, the accumulation of COVID-19 cases in Aceh has reached 39,683 people, of which 36,694 have recovered, 2,080 have died, and 909 are in self-care or isolation.

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