
SITUBONDO - Elementary school students in Situbondo, East Java, who fell ill after vaccination were confirmed not to be due to the COVID-19 vaccine. This student is known to regularly consume corticosteroids which then causes fever and weakened muscle function.

Director of RSUD Abdoer Rahem, dr. Roekmy Prabarini Ario said from the anamnesis it was revealed that HMS (8) had a history of acute allergies.

HMS regularly consumes corticosteroid drugs from the age of 1 year until now.

Corticosteroids are a group of drugs that contain synthetic steroid hormones. This drug can inhibit the production of substances that cause inflammation in the body, and can work as an immunosuppressant in reducing the activity and work of the immune system.

Corticosteroids are often used to reduce inflammation in several conditions, such as allergies, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and pemphigus vulgaris.

"If you don't take the medicine, HMS's skin will blister," said Roekmy, Wednesday, February 23.

Taking corticosteroid drugs continuously has side effects. The effect is similar to what HMS is currently experiencing.

"The effects are like bone loss, muscle weakness and thin skin. After laboratory tests showed that his liver function had increased to 500 Sgot. His lymphocytes were also high, meaning there were signs of infection," he said.

The student is currently undergoing intensive care in the ICU room at the Abdoer Rahem Hospital. "The treatment has also been paid for," he said.

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