
JAKARTA - Member of Commission X DPR RI Zainuddin Maliki said distance learning (PJJ) was again being carried out by a number of schools in Indonesia due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, including in Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. Many students complain that the online learning system is considered boring.

JAKARTA - Many children complain about the online learning system due to the pandemic. But you know, teachers also feel the same way. "Some time ago we used Limited Face-to-face Learning, and at that time the teachers and students felt very excited and happy, but then there was an increase in cases of omicron, so they were asked to do PJJ again," he said. Zainuddin was on the sidelines following the agenda of a working visit to the recess of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission X led by Deputy Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission X Agustina Wilujeng, to Manado, North Sulawesi, Tuesday, February 22 yesterday.

The PAN politician conveyed the complaints felt by teachers and students that the Distance Learning system was very boring. Luckily he also got information that teachers are always looking for ways to fight boredom.

"Therefore, I give my appreciation to the teachers here because they are constantly trying to find a way out so that boredom does not occur even though they have to study distance. It is indeed difficult to overcome the boredom of students when they have to study distance, but I see teachers the teachers here are very enthusiastic. Among them are trying to change the method and prepare the platform, and even have the time to arrange lessons in the form of videos so that they are more varied in learning, "he said as quoted from the DPR's official website.

Zainuddin hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon pass so that face-to-face learning can be carried out again, and so that learning lost will not occur. In addition, he encouraged Kemendikbudristek to provide opportunities for existing teachers to be able to improve their competence and creativity in packaging PJJ.

"Therefore, we encourage the Ministry of Education to prepare a program that is quite good so that our teachers have the opportunity to make PJJs that are more improvised, more creative, we stimulate their imagination so that PJJ can still be held in a fun way," he added.

When he visited SMA Negeri 1 Guru Lombok Kalawat, Zainuddin stated that the facilities at the school were quite representative.

"SMA Negeri 1 Guru Lombok Kalawat has quite representative facilities, the building is new and uses the DAU budget. I don't think there are many high schools that have this wide field. A good school not only has learning facilities but also sports facilities in schools, we must also assess it fairly. Schools have been able to prepare not only learning facilities and laboratories, but also sports facilities with various sports, facilities can also be prepared, so I think the school is good," he said

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