
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has launched the JAGA Kampus application. This launch is intended to close the gap in corruption in the university environment.

Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, said that this application will later become a platform that can be accessed by anyone, including students and their parents, to oversee several things, such as the procurement of goods and services.

"JAGA Campus is a platform that is expected to be an access for the community, both students as users of higher education institutions, maybe their parents, and it does not even rule out people who may be parties related to the campus," said Ghufron in the launch of the JAGA Kampus application which was held online. on the KPK RI YouTube, Wednesday, February 23.

With this application, Ghufron hopes that campus governance will be maintained and the potential for corruption can be closed before it occurs. So that later college graduates will be dedicated and have integrity.

"Hopefully JAGA Campus will provide higher education that does not only have integrity in education, research and service, but also with governance so that governance is maintained so as to ensure that there is no potential for harm to the state or potential for criminal acts of corruption," he said.

"That is what is expected from this launch, to build so that the higher education system does not only include or integrate integrity in students but starts from governance to financial management, asset management, and education governance, research, as well as anti-corruption services," Ghufron added.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim appreciated the launch of this application. He hopes that the cooperation between his ministry and the KPK will continue.

"We at the Ministry of Education and Culture welcome the collaboration with the KPK to develop a platform with a corruption prevention network with the JAGA School and JAGA Campus applications," said Nadiem on the same occasion.

Just like the KPK, Nadiem also hopes that this application can prevent corruption cases in the education environment. Moreover, currently there are 16 Legal Entity PTNs with this status they have much greater autonomy in campus management and learning management.

"I welcome the presence of a platform that prevents corruption cases in an educational environment like this," he said.

Nadiem then explained that the JAGA Campus application was integrated with BAN-PT DIKTI so that it could display various data such as campus profiles, to budgets.

"In addition, JAGA Kampus also displays data on financial income and expenditure of PTN BH universities," he said.

"All of this aims to increase the transparency and accountability of our universities, especially PTN BH which already has the flexibility to regulate its management," concluded Nadiem.

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