
JAKARTA - A number of people have reported cases of alleged fraud in the investment mode of the Viral Blast Global trading robot to the Metro Jaya Police. Where, the losses experienced reached Rp. 210 billion.

"We have made a report for the perpetrators, the leaders of PT Trust Global Karya," said the victim's attorney, Firman H. Simanjuntak to reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

In reporting, there were 5 people reported. They are the President Director, President Commissioner, and three Commissioners of PT Trust Global Karya.

In addition, in this report, the victims have made two police reports (LP) with different losses. However, if the total reaches Rp. 210 billion.

"Mr. Hostar's victim is Rp. 150 billion. Now, this is the second reporting on behalf of Mrs. Erna, Rp. 60 billion," said Firman.

Another victim's lawyer, Saiful Mukminin said that in the fraud case, the reported parties used the ponzi mode.

A ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment mode with the pattern of paying investors profits from their own money or money paid out by subsequent investors, not from the profits made by the individuals or organizations that run these operations.

"It's all a ponzi scheme and for victims who believe the legality of what is being offered, there are many victims," said Saiful.

The two reports were registered with the numbers LP/B/955/II/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya and LP/B/956/II/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya.

Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya had also received reports of alleged fraud in a similar mode experienced by 15 people. In the report, the total loss reached Rp. 400 billion.

The report was registered with the number LP/B/908/II/2022/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, dated February 20.

In this case, the reported parties are two high-ranking officials of Viral Blast Global. They are suspected of violating Articles 378 and 372 of the Criminal Code. In addition, Articles 3, 4 and 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning ML.

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