
JAKARTA - The National Police stated that Adam Deni was in good health while undergoing temporary detention at the Bareskrim detention center.

This was in response to Adam Deni's statement, which previously admitted that he was depressed during his detention in the case of illegal access.

"Adam Deni's condition is good (healthy, ed)," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to VOI, Wednesday, February 23.

In fact, the police team of doctors always ensure the health condition of Adam Deni and all prisoners. Health checks are always carried out because it is the duty of the Police.

"AD's health condition is always routinely checked by doctors," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, regarding the status of the case involving Adam Deni, Ramadhan stated that it was in phase two. However, the suspect of illegal access was temporarily detained by the Prosecutor's Office at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Regarding the AD, the process is already in phase 2 and the status of the Prosecutor's detention is entrusted to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police," said Ramadhan. Previously, Adam Deni said that he could no longer bear the burden of cases of alleged illegal access. In fact, he stated that he was very depressed about the case.

"I'm not strong enough to face this problem. Hopefully, Ahmad Sahroni will forgive and end this problem so that I can go out to support my mother again, go back to work again. Because I have exhausted everything. I am now in a state of severe depression," said Adam Deni .

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