
TANNUNGPINANG - The Riau Archipelago Province Tourism Office said as many as 28 tourists from Singapore first visited the international tourism area in Nongsa, Batam City on February 23.

Head of Dispar Kepri Buralimar said the dozens of tourists were using a fast boat from Tanah Merah Port, Singapore to Nongsa Pura Port, Batam.

"It is estimated that at 14.00 WIB he will arrive at Nongsa Pura Port," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

Buralimar said Governor Ansar Ahmad, the Indonesian Ambassador in Singapore, and representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy would welcome the arrival of tourists from countries that are neighbors to the Riau Islands.

However, he ensured that the welcome was not special, but simple, considering that currently active cases of COVID-19 in Riau Islands are increasing sharply.

"We are also trying to maintain the comfort and safety of the tourists," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the planned visit of tourists from Singapore to international-scale tourism areas in Lagoi, Bintan Regency, Buralimar is optimistic that the number of tourists visiting Lagoi will be more than 60 people on February 25, 2022.

Currently, he said, the number of tourists from Singapore who are currently registered will visit Lagoi as many as 51 people.

"In a few days the potential will increase. We'll see," he said.

The visit of tourists from Singapore to Lagoi and Nongsa is related to the implementation of the "travel bubble" or travel bubble in Lagoi and Nongsa. The tourist travel bubble program in the integrated tourism area has been planned since a year ago.

"The central government has repeatedly seen the readiness of Lagoi and Nongsa to carry out the travel bubble program while prioritizing the implementation of health protocols," he said.

Buralimar said all tourists from Singapore are required to do a swab test when arriving at Bentan Telani Lagoi Port and Nongsa Port. They immediately entered the tourism car to the hotel that had been prepared while waiting for the results of the PCR swab test.

"Health protocols are still enforced in accordance with applicable regulations. We want and strive for foreign tourists to feel safe and comfortable. They can be quarantined while traveling in integrated areas," he said.

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