
MEDAN - Police arrested 2 people who beat an e-parking officer named Reza Nauli Lubis (29). The beating ended in a brawl between two youth groups.

Regarding the beating, Reza Nauli Lubis (29) told what happened to him. He admitted that he was mistreated while on duty to guard e-parking in the Jalan Pandu area.

"I was assigned to guard parking by e-parking in the Jalan Pandu area. Suddenly a group of community organizations kicked me out and forbade me to quote parking today, because this is their allotment," Reza said in the video.

He also responded casually to the statement of a group of young people. Reza asked them to submit it directly to his leadership.

However, just then, the group of youths directly hit him in the stomach.

"They immediately hit me in the stomach. I ran and was saved by my friends," he said.

According to him, someone from the youth group had taken a sugarcane knife and rubbed it into his hands. Then, Reza also saw someone holding a bamboo and a wooden block.

Reza has reported the incident to the Medan City Police. He asked the police to act and arrest the culprit.

"To the Medan City Police. I hope that the police will act decisively. Please arrest the perpetrators so that I can work safely," he hoped.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol M Firdaus, said the police had arrested 2 perpetrators. Currently both have been detained at the Medan City Police.

"The two perpetrators have been detained by the Reskim Unit of the Medan City Police and have been detained," said Kompol Firdaus in response to reporters, Tuesday, February 22.

Kompol Firdaus said his party is currently hunting for 2 other perpetrators. The perpetrators are suspected to be members of one of the mass organizations.

"There are 2 more people," he said

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