
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, explained the reason why he often criticized DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan during his leadership in Jakarta.

Prasetyo assessed that Anies' performance during his four-year tenure in the capital was minimal. If there are parties who say that Anies is a clean leader, Prasetyo justifies it. However, with a note, 'clean' which is interpreted by Prasetyo, namely Anies did not carry out any meaningful development while serving as Governor of DKI.

"If you say Pak Anies Baswedan is clean? Yes, clean. People don't do anything," Prasetyo quipped on the Total Politics YouTube show quoted by VOI, Tuesday, February 22.

Prasetyo claimed that he was speaking the truth. He said that when Anies had just served with Sandiaga Uno as his deputy in 2017, the two of them had visited Prasetyo's room.

At that time, Prasetyo, Anies, and Sandiaga agreed to continue development well in Jakarta. However, until now, this member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD assesses that many of the programs promised by Anies have not been realized.

"He came to my room with Mr. Sandi. I said let's fix it, let's continue what is good. We do what is good. What happened? Not everything was done," said Prasetyo.

"In age, he and I are older than me. It is appropriate for older people to give advice to younger people. But if all of his suggestions are not accepted, why should I respect him?" he said.

One of the developments realized during Anies' leadership was the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). Prasetyo also appreciated it.

However, he emphasized that the magnificent stadium in North Jakarta, whose construction is almost complete, was not Anies' original program. This is because the planning for the JIS development has started since Sutiyoso was governor of DKI.

At that time, Sutiyoso really wanted the DKI Jakarta province to have its own stadium which was predicted to be the headquarters of the Persija club. In 2006, Sutiyoso got land in BMW Park, where JIS is currently building.

"Indeed, the plan has been around for a long time. Pak Sutiyoso's era was not executed but it was groundbreaking. It had to be done, because there were no stadiums in Jakarta," said Prasetyo.

Likewise, when the leader of the capital continues with the next governor. During the leadership of Joko Widodo and Basuki Tjahaja Poernama (Ahok), the DKI Provincial Government has also budgeted for the construction of the stadium.

"Whoever the governor wants at this time, surely it will be built in the era of Pak Jokowi, Pak Ahok, Pak Djarot (stadium construction) is budgeted, a budget is prepared. But because of one situation, the regional election battle, is hampered. Then Pak Anies as the winner of the election battle, yes definitely (the stadium) is done," he added.

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