
TULUNGAGUNG - The family of Tulungagung PDAM corruption convict Djoko Hariyanto handed over a criminal fine of Rp. 200 million as ordered by the Supreme Court's cassation decision which strengthened the verdict of the panel of judges at the Surabaya Corruption Court.

"The payment of this fine was handed over by his family to (fulfill the criminal penalty) the convict Djoko Hariyanto, who is now in a prison cell," said Head of Intelligence at the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

However, the payment of this fine did not reduce the principal sentence of the convict Djoko Hariyanto, who was sentenced to four years in prison.

He is only free from the threat of a subsidiary sentence of six months in prison, if he does not return the state loss of Rp. 135 million and a fine of Rp. 200 million, according to the Supreme Court's cassation decision and the verdict of the Surabaya Tipikor Court.

"With the payment of this fine, the convict only has to serve the main sentence," said Agung.

With the payment of this fine, Djoko only served four years in prison.

Confirmation of the plan to pay the fine was received by the Tulungagung District Attorney on Sunday, February 20. Djoko's daughter gave the money to pay the fine, without being accompanied by a legal advisor.

Djoko's case has been decided with permanent legal force, after the Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Tulungagung District Court.

Even though there has been a decision on the cassation, the District Attorney's Office is still confused about the guarantee for the convict's car which is currently still in the Tulungagung District Attorney's evidence building.

"We are still waiting for the official copy of the cassation from the Supreme Court, so we have not been able to execute the evidence," concluded Agung.

Djoko Hariyanto was convicted of corruption in the maintenance fund of PDAM Tirta Cahya Agung, Tulungagung Regency in 2016-2018. In his modus operandi, Djoko manipulated the repair work on the PDAM's piping and operational vehicles.

The results of the calculation of the State Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) show that the state has lost at least Rp. 1.3 billion.

From the piping repair work, at least Rp900 million was found in losses. Meanwhile, from vehicle repairs, there were findings of losses of more than Rp. 300 million.

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