
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked the Food Task Force to track and trace the distribution of cooking oil, causing shortages in a number of retail stores and affecting the public.

"Distributors must follow the rules set by the government," he said at the Grahadi State building in Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

Khofifah also hopes that the cooking oil distributor will not delay the distribution of the commodity, which is now scarce in the market, according to the highest retail price (HET) that has been set.

As is known, the HET for cooking oil per liter which has been set since February 1 is Rp. 14,000 per liter for premium packaged cooking oil, Rp. 13,500 for simple packaged cooking oil, and Rp. 11,500 for bulk cooking oil.

But the fact is, until now in traditional markets and modern markets there is still a scarcity, even in traditional markets the price is far above HET.

"I feel sorry for the community, especially at this time in a pandemic situation. Don't delay or stockpile it, and immediately distribute it to all markets," he said.

Governor Khofifah said, during a sudden inspection of a number of cooking oil factories, it was found that there was no reduction in production so there should not have been a shortage.

In East Java, the amount of cooking oil production per month reaches 63 thousand tons, while the total consumption per month is only 59 thousand tons, which means East Java has a surplus of 4 thousand tons per month.

"This tangled thread must be unraveled immediately. Do not let it drag on. Moreover, we will soon enter the month of Ramadan," said the first female governor in East Java.

To all regional heads, Khofifah also asked to intensify monitoring in the field and immediately hold cooking oil market operations in a sustainable manner if scarcity continues.

According to him, this is important to do so that we can continue to ensure the supply of supplies so as to provide convenience and at the same time ease purchasing power for the community.

Khofifah this afternoon held a market operation in the courtyard of the Pacet Mojokerto District Office, in which a total of 4 thousand liters of cheap cooking oil were poured out.

Each community is only allowed to buy as much as 2 liters per person for Rp. 25 thousand, with the condition that they bring an Identity Card (KTP).

After reviewing the operation of the cooking oil market, Khofifah handed over business capital assistance for ultra micro entrepreneurs in collaboration between the Provincial Government and BAZNAS East Java.

"Hopefully the assistance in the form of productive zakat will become a kind of economic cushion for people who are classified as vulnerable to poverty, so they don't fall into poverty," said Khofifah.

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