
JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Fadli Zon, also responded to netizens' criticism of the preacher Miftah Maulana, known as Gus Miftah, after holding a shadow puppet show at his boarding school, Ora Aji, Seleman, Yogyakarta, last Friday, February 18. , Ustaz Khalid Basalamah was made a character in a wayang kulit performance at Gus Miftah's Islamic boarding school as a result of his statement regarding wayang. Previously, Khalid said that wayang was prohibited in Islam and must be destroyed. According to Fadli Zon, Gus Miftah's method was wrong in responding to Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's statement regarding this puppet.

"Should we laugh with satisfaction seeing this scene? It should show that culture embraces, unites, harmonizes not fosters revenge and divides," wrote Fadli Zon on his Twitter account, @fadlizon, Monday, February 21. Previously, the preacher Miftah Maulana, also known as Gus Miftah, was in the spotlight after holding a shadow puppet show at his boarding school, Ora Aji, Seleman, Yogyakarta, last Friday, February 18.

The reason is that the shadow puppet show was allegedly satirized by the preacher Khalid Basalamah, who was said to have stated that it was better to destroy or eliminate the wayang.

The puppet show entitled 'Puppet Haram Dalang Angry Wayang Basalamah Dikepruki Dalang' was broadcast on Youtube Adara NH on Sunday, February 20, 2022.

In the performance, the dalang plays a puppet similar to Ustaz Khalid Basalamah.

"Sigri milir.... the gethek si nogo Bajul. Wow, the devil is so clever at attaching priesthood and robes. With white, it seems so pure without stains, by blackening everything else," said Gus Miftah sarcastically at Khalid Basalamah when giving a speech at the ceremony. the puppet show. "Who are you? I know your beard is long, but it's not old. It's natural that you don't know culture and etiquette," he said, continuing his sarcasm.

As a result of the wayang performance, Gus Miftah has received criticism from netizens. Miftah's actions were considered very inappropriate and childish. Miftah's name is included in the trending topics on Twitter today. Almost all netizens hurled insults at Gus Miftah.

One Twitter user with the account @UmarHasibuan777 criticized it.

“What Miftah is doing is tacky. If you have knowledge, ask Ustad Khalid for a debate. This is not the way. Miftah is just looking for a sensation," he wrote, quoted on Monday, February 21. “Miftah of Miftah is so tacky that you make a puppet with the face of Ustad Khalid make a performance. For friends, Miftah's behavior does not represent me as NU," he continued @UmarHasibuan777.

"It's too childish the way Gus Miftah reacts to this. Very unfortunate," wrote @WidasSatyo tweet.

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