
JAKARTA - Da'wah activities or religious broadcasts can be done anywhere. Not only in the open field targeting the general public, internal circles, institutions and state institutions but to locations that are not 'usual'.

As did Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman or better known as Gus Miftah. Gus Miftah chose to preach at discotheques or nightclubs with the majority of the congregation of songwriters aka lady companions (LC).

Apparently, preaching activities at the discotheque are often carried out by the leadership of the Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Before the COVID pandemic hit Indonesia, Gus Miftah often 'blusukan' giving da'wah to LC.

This was revealed through Gus Miftah's reels on his Instagram account, @gusmiftah as seen by VOI, Monday, October 20. He admitted that he had been off from recitation at the disco for the last six months.

Well, there is a question from one of the congregation who attended Gus Miftah's recitation. Serious and funny at the same time, but it takes a complete answer to understand it.

The questioner, a woman with long hair with a yellow scarf covering her body, wanted to know Gus Miftah's response when he fell in love with someone's husband.

"Say Gusti Allah who moves people's hearts, then if we are like this LC, how do you like people's husbands?" asked the woman.

Suddenly, this question invites applause and cheers from all residents of the discotheque. Gus Miftah, through the reels, did not provide further answers to this question.

"Wes angel angel. It's been 6 months since recitation at the night club because of the pandemic, when you start reading again, you get more dangerous questions than the pandemic," said Gus Miftah.

Gus Miftah's upload has been seen by approximately 1 million netizens with various comments. The majority 'charged' Gus Miftah to provide answers on the next reels.

"What's the answer, we wives want to hear it," said one netizen.

"I'm curious about the answer," said another netizen.

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