
SAMPIT - The East Kotawaringin COVID-19 Task Force, Central Kalimantan said that the transmission of COVID-19 in the plantation cluster had made the number of cases of residents infected with the virus in the local area surge. "Today's upward trend is in plantations," said a spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force. -19 Kotawaringin Timur Multazam in Sampit, Monday 21 February. The number of COVID-19 cases in the area soared with 71 new cases found, with the distribution being dominated by oil palm plantation companies. Based on data released by the East Kotawaringin COVID-19 Task Force on Sunday ( 20/2) afternoon, there were 71 new cases, bringing the total number of COVID-19 sufferers in the area to 260 people. A total of six people were hospitalized, while 254 people underwent self-isolation under the monitoring of health workers. As many as 71 new cases, all of them underwent self-isolation due to mild symptoms. They are spread out in the Mentawa Baru District, Ketapang with 14 people, Baamang seven people, Parenggean two, and Mentaya Hilir Utara 46 people. Multazam, who is also the Head of the Communication and Information Office of East Kotawaringin Regency, did not specify the location and names of the plantations where many employees were exposed to COVID-19. 19 to trigger a spike in cases today. However, based on case distribution data, the highest number of new cases was in the District of North Mentaya Hilir 46 people.

Currently, there are a number of oil palm plantation companies in North Mentaya Hilir District. This sub-district is predicted to be an industrial area because there is also the Bagendang Port and a number of factories. carried out by many parties other than the government, it becomes the spirit of mutual cooperation of all parties and the attention of all parties to deal with the COVID-19 situation," said Multazam. The public is advised to increase the application of health protocols so that they are not easily infected with COVID-19 and its variants. Business activities, he said, must be carried out by implementing health protocols to prevent transmission or clusters of COVID-19. It is also for the sake of the continuity of business activities by protecting everyone who works in the place. "We all have to increase vigilance because the transmission of this virus is quite fast. People don't need to panic but don't take it lightly. So apply strict health protocols," he said. The head of the Kotawaringin Timur Health Service, Umar Kaderi, conveyed a message about the importance of vaccination, which is useful in addition to reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19, as well as reducing symptoms and fatalities if people who have been vaccinated are exposed to the virus. carry out vaccinations of dose 1, dose 2, and boosters or continuation so that residents are not easily infected with the deadly virus. This step is also to form group immunity from COVID-19 transmission. The local government is also intensively vaccinating from house to house, especially for the elderly whose achievements need to be improved. we don't give up hope. If there are elderly people who can be vaccinated, we will visit them," said Umar Kaderi.

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