
JEMBRANA - A fisherman with the initials S (57) from Pengambengan, Jembrana Regency, Bali who smuggled nine turtles from Banyuwangi, East Java, to Bali was named a suspect.

"According to the suspect's confession, it was planned that the nine turtles would be sold to people who wanted to buy them. However, the police officers were immediately arrested," said Jembrana Police Chief AKBP I Dewa Gede Juliana, Monday, February 21.

Initially, the police received information about the turtle boat transporting the turtle at Pengambengan Fish Port, Jembrana.

"And when we checked the white fiber canoe with floral motifs, it turned out that under the seat of the boat, nine protected turtle species were found alive," explained Dewa Gede.

A witness said that the turtles were smuggled on the orders of the suspect S. Meanwhile, S admitted to catching turtles in Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi.

"Then he leaned the canoe around the Kedunen Pengambengan Village Beach, slightly to the middle, then suspect S returned home," he said.

While the evidence that was secured was nine live turtles of various sizes, one unit, a white fiber canoe with floral motifs complete with a machine, three rolls of nets to catch turtles.

The suspect is alleged to be Article 21 Paragraph (2) letter a in conjunction with Article 40 Paragraph (2) and/or Article 21 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 40 Paragraph (4) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Jayati's Natural Resources and Ecosystems.

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