
JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the RI House of Representatives (DPR) MF Nurhuda Y does not agree that a minister will serve concurrently as head of the Archipelago State Capital Authority (IKN). The head of the authority needs to focus on building IKN.

"About the possibility of the minister holding concurrent positions as Head of the IKN Authority, I don't think so. IKN is a big project, it must focus on managing it, because the minister already has work that requires his own focus," said Nurhuda in Jakarta, Monday, February 21, quoted from Antara.

Regarding the position of the candidate for the head of the IKN Authority, he said the provisions for the position must be returned to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN, which regulates that the function of the head of the agency is the prerogative of the President.

He believes that whoever is the head of the IKN Authority appointed by President Joko Widodo, is a worthy figure and has experience in managing governance, especially related to IKN.

"The president himself already has criteria, he must understand architecture; and there is no criteria for concurrent positions with ministers," he said.

The politician from the National Awakening Party (PKB) explained that there is indeed a clause regarding the appointment and appointment of the head of the IKN Authority which must be consulted with the DPR, as explained in Article 5 paragraph (4) of the IKN Law.

However, according to him, for the first time the President has full authority to appoint the head of the IKN Authority without consulting the DPR, as explained in Article 10 paragraph (3). Even the position of the head of the IKN Authority must be immediately appointed no later than two months after promulgation.

"As for who takes office, leave it to the President. I believe with the credibility of an experienced President, he will definitely appoint the right person, with integrity and trustworthiness," he said.

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