
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has not been able to confirm the source of the recovered bullet that hit a young man named Fadillah Rafi (19) in the Kramat Jati area, East Jakarta. This is because the search for clues and evidence is still ongoing.

"The case is true and is still under investigation," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Monday, February 21.

In fact, said Zulpan, a team from the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya had brought the recovered samples for ballistic testing. However, until now there has been no bright spot regarding the source of the shot or the type of bullet.

"Not yet (ballistic test results, red)," said Zulpan.

Fadillah Rafi (19) is said to have been shot while in the Kramat Jati area, East Jakarta. However, the police stated that the young man was not shot but was hit by a bullet.

A reset is a bullet that bounces off after being fired. Reset occurs because the tip of the bullet does not fully touch the target.

In addition, the young man was hit by a reset while at the location where the brawl occurred. So, it is suspected that the shots came from a series of brawls or the process of disbanding.

However, when it was mentioned about the source of the shot, Zulpan said he could not confirm yet. Currently, the General Criminal Investigation Directorate team is investigating

"This is still under investigation, right. Where did the bullet come from, but we'll check it out," said Zulpan.

Moreover, the investigation was carried out because the victim had made an official police report.

"Currently, the victim's side has made a police report to the Metro Police and investigators at the Metro Polda Crimea are conducting an investigation related to this case," said Zulpan.

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