
MAKASSAR - Government policy observer who is also a lecturer at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business (ITB), Syahruddin Yasen said that to overcome the problem of seasonal flooding in Makassar City, more infiltration wells must be added. urban areas are prone to such as Makassar, therefore this infiltration well must be one of the focuses of Makassar City Government policies," said Syahruddin in Makassar, Monday, February 21. sectors, both economic, health and education. Floods at several points in the Makassar City area, for example, every year pose a threat and danger to the lives of residents, especially on protocol and national roads, such as along the South Sulawesi Governor's Office, Fly Over Jalan AP Pettarani, and others.

In this regard, he advised the central and regional governments together with the legislature to think about handling flood inundation at these two strategic points. He said that local governments have had a concept so far, but have been slow to implement it, especially if the road is a national road, of course it requires budget lobbying and a time-consuming lobbying mechanism. Because there are laws and regulations that regulate emergency response funds with a quick budget allocation mechanism such as floods, landslides and earthquakes. On the other hand, said Yasen, the lack of coordination between the provincial government and the central government and people's representatives in Senayan is also a point. weak lack of attention to flood-prone areas. "Therefore, I suggest, apart from making a representative drainage, another form of anticipation is to make large and mass infiltration wells," he said.

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