
SERANG - Serang Police arrested one perpetrator suspected of stealing XL tower components in the Kasemen area, Serang City. The perpetrator had the initials LAR (31).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Serang City Police, AKP David Adhi Kusuma, confirmed the arrest. LAR was arrested at his residence in Serang District, Serang City, Saturday, February 19, at 11.00 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, the perpetrator was arrested and secured by the Criminal Investigation Team of the Serang City Police at his home," said David, Sunday, February 20, 2022.

The perpetrators were arrested along with evidence in the form of a motorbike and several tower components.

David said, LAR had committed the theft of the tower components four times.

"In his statement, the perpetrators carried out theft of tower components 4 times," he explained.

For his actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft by weight, which is threatened with a maximum prison sentence of 7 years.

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