
JAKARTA - A lecture from Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah who asked the congregation not to walk in front of people while bowing was responded to strongly by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist Mohamad Guntur Romli. According to Gun Romli, his nickname, respecting people is part of Islamic ethics.

"This is very ignorant people, respecting people, especially parents are Islamic ethics," said Gun Romli via a tweet on his Twitter, @GunRomli quoted on Sunday, February 20.

In his tweet, Gun Romli responded to online media coverage of Ustaz Riza Basalamah's lecture with the title 'Preacher Riza Basalamah: If People Go In Front Of People Don't Bow Down, It's Only For Allah.'

This news was published on February 6, 2022, containing a snippet of Riza Basalamah's lecture which went viral on social media. The video was uploaded by Twitter user Tukangrosok_. In its narration, this account says that since childhood, people in Indonesia are taught to be civilized and not savage.

In the video, Ustaz Riza Basalamah is giving a lecture and reminding his congregation not to bow in front of people. However, Riza firmly said that permission must still be given.

"We can't make humans, we can't. So, if you walk, you don't need to bow down, just walk normally, excuse me from people," said Riza. Make your bowing only for Allah. The Messenger of Allah said, when you bow down, magnify Allah there, magnify Allah there. You feel inferior to the congregation, who do you do that for? For God," he said.

According to Gun Romli, the way to respect elders is in accordance with local customs.

"How do you respect it according to al-'urf: customs, local customs, what about kissing hands, bowing, tilting your body, if your culture is just like boys. Would you say you're gay?" he insisted.

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