
JAKARTA - Police investigators have again arrested three new suspects in the case of the beating that killed an elderly man named Wiyanto Halim (89) in East Jakarta.

"The perpetrators have the initials DJ, A, HP," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

However, Zulpan has not explained when and where the suspects were arrested or the roles of the three.

However, he confirmed that the three people had the status of suspects and the current total number of suspects was nine people.

"So there are nine suspects in all," said Zulpan.

Previously, investigators from the Polda Metro Jaya had named six suspects in the case of the beating that killed Wiyanto Halim (89) in Cakung, East Jakarta, Sunday (23/1) at around 02.00 WIB.

The initials of the suspects are TB (21), JI (23), RYN (23), MA (23), MJ (18) and F (19).

The police revealed that the motive for the beating that killed Wiyanto Halim was the provocation of the thief's screams.

The case of the elderly beating began with a series of incidents that occurred between the victim and a motorcycle rider with the initials JI, who has also been named a suspect.

JI then shouted at the victim's car with a thief's scream and it was this scream that attracted the attention of other motorcyclists, then tried to chase after the car being driven by the victim.

The suspects were further charged with Article 170 paragraph 1 and 2 Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code with a threat of up to 12 years in prison.

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