
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri spoke about the appearance of billboards with his face complete with anti-corruption messages.

This billboard photo became the talk and was highlighted by netizens, especially Twitter. On warganet uploads, billboards to contain the sentence:

"We arrest anyone who corrupts. We want to create an Indonesia that is just, prosperous, intelligent, prosperous, easy to find work, an Indonesia that is respected by the world and an Indonesia that makes its people proud," reads the billboard accompanied by a photo of the former Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Responding to the circulation of the photo, Firli admitted that he did not know anything about the billboard installed on the side of the road.

"Frankly, I don't know who and where it was all installed," said Firli, quoted from his Twitter account @firlibahuri on Saturday, February 19.

Even so, he said he didn't mind. Firli considers this to be a form of community aspiration in an effort to support the work of the institution.

"If it is intended to support the work of the KPK, I thank you," he said.

He emphasized that the KPK would not be intervened by anyone without exception. Firli said, the public must believe that the anti-corruption commission is an independent institution.

"KPK is an independent law enforcer. Greetings Anti-Corruption!" he wrote.

The existence of this billboard adds to the controversy of the KPK this week. Previously, Firli was in the spotlight after her institution released a hymn and march created by his wife, Ardina Safitri.

The KPK released its first-ever hymn and march on Thursday, February 17th. As the creator, Ardina explained that the two songs are full of meaning and messages, including inviting KPK personnel to continue to serve to realize a corruption-free Indonesia.

Not only that, she admitted that she was proud to be able to participate in eradicating corruption by making marches and hymns for the institution led by her husband.

"Pride for a citizen is being able to serve and contribute, no matter how small, no matter how simple it is, in order to participate in advancing and prospering the nation, one of which is through eradicating corruption," said Dina in a written statement from the KPK, Thursday, February 17.

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