
SOLO - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated the SIM Administration Unit (Satpas) for the Sukoharjo Police, which is centered at the Surakarta City Police Headquarters, Central Java.

In addition to the Sukoharjo Police Satpas, the National Police Chief also inaugurated the Wonogiri Police Satpas, flats in Demak and Banyumas, as well as the launch of the Solo Smart City and the new Surakarta Polresta building, centered at the Surakarta Police Headquarters.

At the inauguration ceremony, the National Police Chief revealed that with the construction of the new Satpas buildings at the Sukoharjo and Wonogiri Police, it is hoped that the service to the community of SIM applicants, both new and extended applications, will make the process easier and more comfortable.

"Because the new Satpas is equipped with complete facilities and is supported by modern technology," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 18.

With all these systems and technology-based services, the National Police Chief continued, the aim is to anticipate extortion and corruption.

In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the new Satpas will provide excellent service with comfortable facilities to the community while still paying attention to health protocols.

Meanwhile, Sukoharjo Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan said the Sukoharjo Police Satpas itself was built from June 16 to December 20, 2021.

The Sukoharjo Police Satpas Building stands on an area of 5,469 square meters. With the main building covering an area of 1,406.71 square meters, which consists of the first floor covering an area of 936.25 square meters and the second floor covering an area of 470.46 square meters.

Furthermore, the Chief of Police revealed that the Sukoharjo Police Satpas Building implements a modern service system supported by an integrated "First In First Out" (FIFO) queue system between service departments.

"The queuing system applied uses the FIFO method, where the queue system carried out is the SIM applicant at the first queue number, which is carried out by service. Where the system will inform the queue number to the SIM applicant via a monitor screen and sound," he added.

In addition, in the FIFO system there are also six types of applications that can be used, namely queue number application, requester service, web-based queue service set-up, access control system, "dashboard monitoring", face recognition, body temperature detection and usage detection. face mask.

"Hopefully, with these complete and modern facilities, it can make it easier for people to process SIM applications," said Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan.

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