
JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman awarded a soldier Serma Junaidi for thwarting the theft of a motorized vehicle and arresting the perpetrator carrying an airsoft gun.

General Dudung gave the award directly to Sergeant Junaidi at the TNI AD Headquarters (Mabesad), Jakarta, Friday, February 18.

Dudung, as quoted by Antara from a written broadcast from the Indonesian Army Information Service, conveyed that the award was a form of appreciation from the leadership and institutions of the Indonesian Army for the noble and commendable actions of their soldiers.

According to him, Junaidi has practiced one of the seven daily orders of the Army Chief of Staff, which is to help people who are in trouble.

“Serma Junaidi took action and was here to help overcome the difficulties faced by the community. For that, today I give my appreciation and appreciation for the actions that have been taken," said Dudung.

Junaidi thwarted the theft of a motorized vehicle while praying at the mosque near his house in Majalengka, West Java, in the early hours of 10 February 2022.

"When I approached, one of them (the perpetrators of the theft) took out a gun and fired at me which was about two meters away," Junaidi said.

However, he managed to block the shot and incapacitate the perpetrator. Junaidi arrested the perpetrators of the theft and handed them over and the evidence to the police.

"Thanks to Mr Kasad, and Pangdam III/Siliwangi, Danrem 063/Sunan Gunung Jati, and Dandim 0617/Majalengka for their guidance and attention to us so far," Junaidi said after receiving the award.

During the same meeting, the Army Chief of Staff praised the work and thanked the Dandim 0617/Majalengka Lt. Col. Inf. Andik Siswanto for nurturing his soldiers.

"My hope is to all soldiers of the Indonesian Army, never hesitate and hesitate to help the community. Whatever the community's difficulties, Indonesian Army soldiers must help and be a solution," said Dudung.

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