
JEMBER - Chairman of the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Mohammad Hasan Mutawakkil Alallah said the results of the Fatwa Commission determined that the teachings and activities of the Padepokan Tunggal Jati Nusantara group which held a ritual at Payangan Beach violated Islamic law and included a deviant group.

The East Java MUI Fatwa Commission has held a discussion on the issue of the "death" ritual of the Tunggal Jati Nusantara Group and the decision of the commission session led by the Chair of the East Java MUI Fatwa Commission KH Muhammad Ma'ruf Khozin was signed with Ustaz Sholihin Hasan on Thursday, February 17.

"Regarding legal provisions, the Fatwa Commission has conducted in-depth studies and discussions, thus determining that the group's teachings and activities violate Islamic law and are a deviant group," he said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, February 18.

According to him, there are five reasons as the basis for the decision, namely first, ritual activities in dangerous places such as those carried out by the Tunggal Jati Nusantara Group are haram because they are contrary to one of the basic principles of sharia, namely al-hifdz al-nafs (protecting the soul).

Second, in practice, the rituals carried out by the Tunggal Jati Nusantara Group occur ikhtilath (mingling) between men and women in dark conditions which are forbidden by Islamic law.

Third, when performing a ritual on the southern sea coast, one should greet Nyi Roro Kidul who is believed to be the ruler of the southern sea.

Fourth, usually the ritual is carried out accompanied by offerings consisting of green degan, telon flower, blue basalwa oil, complete kinangan and five kinds of fruit. If the offerings have been carried by the waves, then they consider the offerings have been accepted.

"This is a form of misguidance by referring to the guidelines for heretical criteria by the Indonesian Ulema Council, namely believing and or following a belief that is not in accordance with the syar'i arguments (Al-Quran and al-Sunnah)," said the caretaker of the Zainul Hasan Islamic Boarding School, Genggong Probolinggo.

Fifth, do the interpretation of the Koran that is not based on the rules of interpretation.

"The decision based on five reasons was made after reviewing investigative data from the Jember Regency MUI and input from participants in the East Java MUI Fatwa Commission session regarding the ritual of the Tunggal Jati Nusantara group which caused 11 fatalities," he said.

Kiai Mutawakkil said that there were four recommendations made by the MUI Fatwa Commission, namely asking the government to take firm steps in the form of a ban on all forms of activities of the Padepokan Tunggal Jati Nusantara group.

"Second, calling on Muslims not to be influenced by this deviant sect. To the followers of the Tunggal Jati Nusantara group to immediately repent and not return to practicing their teachings," he said.

The East Java MUI, he continued, hoped that the ulama in Jember Regency would provide guidance and guidance for those (followers of the Tunggal Jati Nusantara Group) who wish to repent.

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