
JAKARTA - Member of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Robert Na Endi Jaweng said that Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital meets the legal needs in Indonesia. about the National Capital," said Robert. He made this statement in a webinar entitled The Capital of the Archipelago, Mother of All, which was broadcast on the Zoom Meeting platform, monitored from Jakarta, Friday, February 18. Previously, said Robert, what Indonesia had were laws. which stipulates the Province of Jakarta as the State Capital. The drafting of the new IKN Law is a form of the formation of a special and separate law regarding the state capital as the basis for existence and at the same time migration. After seeing the fulfillment of legal needs, Robert saw the various strategic roles of the national capital as stated in 44 articles of the IKN Law.

"I see that the main focus is to make Nusantara the center of government and of course political institutions will be there later. His big obsession is to become a symbol of national identity," said Robert. Economic activity will continue to develop in the area, and is purely the result of a shift in the center of government. However, the economic activity that takes place there will not be as strong as Jakarta. As in countries that have moved their capital cities, economic and business activities tend to remain in the former capital cities. In his presentation, Robert quoted Indonesian President Joko Widodo as emphasizing that moving the nation's capital was not just a location change, but a shifting mindset, such as work culture, bureaucratic culture, and a new public sector culture. a new country. Become a common space for us to start something new, "said Robert.

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